In our Gallery, we will show you examples of our past projects in each of the main categories:
Custom Furniture
…. means that it is personal to you and for you.
We can start with a photograph or drawing you bring in and build a piece of furniture that matches exactly the style, color, and type of wood you need to fill that specific space in your home or office. Click on one of the room categories below to see some examples of our past projects.
living room
Dining room
Home office
Instead of starting from the ground up, we start with your existing furniture and resize, reshape, or redo it to make it work better for your current situation. These are transformations. These are examples of some of the starting points for our transformation pieces.
solid cherry desk
barn beam mantel
Hammond organ
walnut dining table
Refinishing and Repair
For the family piece of furniture that has been sitting in the garage for years, we can bring it back to life and make it beautiful again. It may only need a good cleaning, color touch-up, and a recoating. In the extreme case, a surface might have to be stripped and then refinished.